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Remember Yossi

Sergeant Joseph (Yossi) Atia

 The story behind Yos Machinery.

“Yos Machinery” was originally a family company founded in 2018. After over 25 years of experience in industrial equipment and going independent, finding a name for the company took little. The first thought that came to my mind was Yossi, my little brother; I wanted to immortalise and Remember him and call the business in his name.

The company “Yos Machinery” provides various services and products in the field of industry, emphasising quality, professionalism, and excellence, just as Yossi was in his life.

Yossi (“Yos,” as his family members and close friends called him) was a man of values and a modest, pleasant walker who loved the Land of Israel, its scenery, and its paths, where he used to walk a lot with his friends. When he enlisted, he joined a paratrooper patrol and also served as an outstanding combat medic; and saw his role as a mission to save lives, which he carried out with dedication, naturalness, and above all, the modesty that characterized him. On January 7, 2005, when he was 21 years old, my brother Yossi was murdered at the Tapuh intersection by terrorists while he was making his way to Mount Ephraim, the pre-military training school where he studied before his enlistment. His death touched the hearts of many family members, friends, and acquaintances, who decided to commemorate him and thus leave his mark in an authentic and daily way.

The strong and loving relationship between Yossi and his sister Galit gave rise to the idea for the company’s name, “Yos Machines,” and together with the infinity logo, it symbolizes Yossi’s extraordinary and never-ending personality. Thus his memory will always remain in our hearts

“Yos Machines” is everything Yos was for us – strong, reliable, professional, thorough, and valuable. We believe in the quality of the products and the quality of the service we provide to our customers, with professional accompaniment and adaptation to every need and requirement.
Through “Yos Machines,” we tell, remember and cherish Yossi Atia, the man, the warrior, and, above all, a lover of all humankind. The company’s vision is based on his image and the milestones he took with him in his backpack, his uncompromising path, and how he sought to improve and help as much as possible to everyone around him – this is our vision.