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Container lifting facility
Thick material that hardens in the pump. The solution is to lift the heated container and keep the material warm for filling
A solution for transporting thick products without a pump חודשים
There are no malfunctions in transferring the material for filling and saving cleanliness and pollution in the pump
About The Project
Lifting device for the tank for filling.
In certain processes there are products that are problematic products in terms of conduction.
In the case here, the customer has a product that, as soon as it cools, the product hardens and cannot be transported
The problems created by conveying in the pump, that the material crystallized inside the pump and could not be conveyed
And cleaning the pump also took a long time.
The solution we implemented for this client is to lift the tank – the tank is heated with heating elements and the material is filled directly
to the filling machine without unnecessary transitions.
The advantage – less cleaning, filling without problems of weights because the material flows, cleanliness and quality.
Photos from the project
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